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Single☐ Taken☐ Hungry✔ FUCKOFF TO ALL STALKER!! aku sombong kn?aku ego kn?bhahaha..suke ati aku la weii..--" aku !lyas engl!s!as .17 tahun(2011) bahhaa..bsar suda!KL mali maa!skunk duk kuantan bandar pe2 jela?haha!hanya ada satu saja account blog ! if u want 2 be my follower so ikowt je arr k! nk kenal?jum2.. hahaha..nmpak info aku cm koya jew ark tpi tu lah knyataan nyer! x suke aku!boley blah arr!! sekian , TERIMA KASIH ! :D tak suke ape aku ckap ? ade aku kesah ? ade aku peduli ? GTH lahh idiot :PP nk nmb fon x?nah 01764455444454 mak ka!! sekian , terima kasih .TR!PLE FUCKOFF AGA!IN TO ALL STALKER!DAMN!

Thursday 23 June 2011

S.I.N.G.L.E = Stress Is Now Gone Life's Easier. :P

n legal definitions for interpersonal status, a single person is someone who is not in a relationship or is "unmarried".[citation needed] If a marriage is annulled, however, or it is found to have been void ab initio (i.e. not valid in law to start with), and assuming the person was not married previously, that individual is single, rather than unmarried. In that situation, the law behaves as though the parties thought they were married when, in actuality, they were not. The term single in its common usage is often referred to someone who isn't involved in any type of romantic relationship, whether it would be datingengagement, or marriage.
Both single and unmarried people may participate in dating rituals and other activities to find a long-term partner or spouse. However, in some cases single people are not interested in marriage, domestic partnership, or other types of formal, committed relationships. People may remain single for a variety of reasons, including: financial and emotional or physical health issues, stress in the family, time constraints, education, career, personal preferences, advanced age, social fears or love-shyness, and even living in a society or locality where there aren't enough people of the sex one is attracted to.[1][2] Certain careers and positions require that people remain single. Sometimes, this is coupled with celibacy or chastity, either for secular or for religious reasons, such as priestsnuns and monks in certain faiths.
Loneliness can occur for some people who look for but cannot find anyone they might wish to date, especially for those suffering the loss of companionship following divorce orbereavement. Some single people, however, regard and appreciate solitude as an opportunity.

Certain situations assume that a person is married; this includes laws that vary depending on the country. For example, in the United StatesSocial Security relies on spouses, children, and other family, until the point that a given individual is legally elderly (65 years of age or over), or if the person has a significant disability (of any age; see Social Security Disability). It is generally assumed an individual's family member(s) will inherit or replace the holder when they are deceased. Therefore, except for the elderly and the legally disabled, US Social Security is not a benefit single people can claim.

Saturday 11 June 2011


ades..asal cmue owng nk bnci & tnggalkn ak ae?ak x cukup bek k?ak x cukup mesra k?ak x cukup peramah k?adess,ak asew ak dh lakukan yg terbek untuk cmue owng.kowng nk epy?ak bgi jep kowng epy?kowng nk cdy?ak un bgi kowng cdy?abis uh bile ak dh bgi pe yg kowng nk npe kowng nk bnci & tnggalkn ak plak.adoyai.lntak kowng la.ak un bkn nye prlukn sngt kowng.dat's all.chill

Friday 22 April 2011

ari yang penuh kebosanan & kerinduan!

adoi--".npe la rinie die g khemah lak,dh la aku nk blek PENJARE dh ahad nie.sptotnye time2 nie la nk bcme ngan owng yg trsayang!aku x tao nk tulis pew coz aku mmng dh mo0dy gler nie!mane x nyer on9 sowng2,hang sowng2 & smpai kn men mcj un sent k nmber aku sndri!hahaa!cm bodoe jep asew!adoi,weii!!NAPE KAMOO JOIN GAK CAMPING UH?X PENTING UN LAA!hmmph!yang psti ahad nie aku akn grak blek tmpat asalku yg cm NERAKE gak arr!nsib bek taon nie taon last kt si2!huhu...chill laa!missudamnmuch!!!

Wednesday 20 April 2011

ka GANAS la ilyas?haha..nie la antre statement yg mmber ak slalu berikn kpadeku!lol

aku ganas k?nk gelak jep bile de owng ckap yg die nmpak cam seorng yg ganas,gengster atao yg seperjuangan dngannye!aku just balas kt dieowng DON'T JUDGE ME BY MY APPEARANCE!!!mybe luaran aku mmng nmpak liar coz aku un dtng dri fmily yg agak sosial,aku suke kuar mlam n blek pgi!hahaa..x la trok sngt i think!but ganas2 aku un,dalam ati ade TAMAN k!aku sngt bek law owng wat bek kt aku tpi law owng sndri bgi taek kt aku x kn aku nk bgi bunge lak kowt,of coz la balas taek gak!so klaw dh knal SI ILYAS ENGLISIAS nnti jngan la anggap aku ganas k,aku bek gitu!hahahaa..chill lah!!XD

x sabar tnggu ari ahd (24april)!!;D

ari ahad nie aku epy coz parents aku akan pulang dari mngerjakan umrah yg k-tah brape!hahaaha...aku xsempat kowt nk g smbut dieowng coz aku time uh dh nk blek PENJARE blek lorrr!cm sial jep asew but epy coz dieowng nk BALIK!!YEAY!!!aku doakn smoge dieowng slamat smpai!!amin~

kemalangan agak ngeri ku!

aku bwu lepas eksiden mnggu lpas!blek jep dri mlwat awex yang terlntar di HTAA coz suspek apendiks,ade sebuah kete MENGADE block kete yang aku bawak!aku x mao die sakit tpi aku plak yang sakit!kete yang untie aku pandu terus masok dlam lopak air yang agak dalam lubangnyew!sedar2,mlut pnuh darah & agak terkoyak!aku terus di bawe ke HTAA untuk rawatan!first time kowt nek ambulans sebab aku sndri yang sakit!mlam uh aku blek rumah kul 12 lepas kne jahit mulut!untie aku trlantae di hospital!aku doakn smoge die cpat sembuh!aku asew bsalah gak coz aku yang ajak die prgi hospital!stu lgi nsib bek bukan aku yang drive time uh,law x lgi ngeri kowt!maaaa!SAKIT!!!!


kenal x aku cpe?okay aku ilyas englisias lahirkan benua africa!anak tarzan!hahaa..sjew je,k la aku ilyas khairuddin englisias!englisias uh name fmily aku okay!jngan nk ske2 jep men2 ngan name uh!aku lahir di HOSPITAL BESAR KUALA LUMPUR!skunk aku duduk kt kuantan!aku blaja di sekolah berasrama penuh integrasi kuantan!dak nerd?dak cerdik?x la..aku dah ganas n x bpe cerdik lorr sayang oi!!hahaha..so law nk knal2 add aku di facebook search jep ilyas englisias cmpem ade!follow lorr blog aku yang x sbrape nie k!chill lah!!